
50 days

Where can I find more information about Qdenga’s side effects?

Hello Dr, I’ve read about a vaccination called Qdenga and I am wondering where I could get more information about it as there is not much information about it online?

Hello and thank you for the question.

For more detailed information about Qdenga’s side effects, you can refer to the vaccine’s prescribing information, which should be available from Takeda Pharmaceuticals or your healthcare provider. Consulting with your healthcare provider directly is also advisable as they can offer personalized guidance based on your medical history and specific circumstances.

Other ways to get the side effects is by looking for the information provided by Takeda Pharmaceuticals or local health authorities may offer insights into Qdenga’s side effects and safety profile. Reputable medical websites and scientific literature can also be valuable sources for understanding vaccine safety and potential side effects.

Additionally, you can also book an appointment with our doctors on DoctorOnCall to understand more about the vaccination and get your answers about the vaccination answered by our professionals.

Click Here to Book Dengue Vaccine(Qdenga)Today! side%20effects

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