17 Early Signs Of Leukaemia You Shouldn't Ignore!

17 Signs of Blood Cancer(Leukaemia): Watch Out For These Red Flags! | DoctorOnCall

What is Leukaemia?

Leukaemia is a type of blood cancer in which abnormal white blood cells spread uncontrollably in the bone marrow or lymph nodes. These white blood cells are unable to function normally and cannot fight infection as normal white blood cells do.

Leukaemia primarily affects white blood cells, but it can also affect red blood cells and platelets. Let's learn about the symptoms and signs of leukaemia.

Symptoms & Signs of Leukaemia

Leukaemia symptoms may differ for each individual. Some people may initially show no symptoms. However, there are several symptoms that are common in leukaemia patients.

1. Fatigue and Weakness

Most people with leukaemia feel tired and weak all the time. This is because the affected red blood cells cannot effectively carry oxygen throughout the body. Lack of oxygen in the body will cause fatigue and weakness.

2. Difficulty Breathing

Difficulty breathing can also be a sign of leukaemia. Abnormal red blood cells cannot efficiently transport oxygen to the lungs which causes a person to experience difficulty breathing. It can also occur when performing light activities such as walking or climbing stairs.

3. Fever or Chills

Fever is defined as a higher-than-normal body temperature. This is an indication that your body is attempting to combat an infection or disease. Fever is the most common symptom of leukaemia and can be an early warning sign.

Chills are characterised by a sudden shaking of the body. This occurs because your muscles contract quickly in order to raise your body temperature. Chills can also be a precursor to leukaemia.

4. Bruising or Bleeding

Bruising or bleeding without a known cause can be an early indicator of leukaemia. This is because blood cancer can interfere with the body's blood clotting process.

Abnormal white blood cells can also replace normal blood cells. This can cause bleeding under the skin as well as bleeding from the gums and nose.

5. Bone or Joint Pain

Patients with leukaemia often experience bone or joint pain. Leukaemia can cause abnormal white blood cells to accumulate in the bone and cause pain. This can also make patients more prone to injury and cramps.

6. Repeated Infections

Leukaemia patients may also be prone to recurrent infections. This is because their immune system is compromised due to cancer. Infections such as sore throat, ear infection and pneumonia can be common symptoms experienced by leukaemia patients.

7. Swollen Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes are an important part of the lymphatic system in the human body. Swollen lymph nodes can occur throughout the body in leukaemia patients. This could be an early sign of leukaemia that should be detected and treated right away.

8. Abdominal Discomfort

Another early sign of leukaemia is abdominal discomfort. Abdominal discomfort can manifest as bloating, stomach pain or stomach cramps.

This discomfort can occur suddenly over a long period of time and may worsen over time. This sign, however, is not limited to leukaemia; it can also be a sign of other stomach problems.

9. Weight Loss

In addition, significant weight loss without an apparent cause can be an early sign of leukaemia. The loss of significant weight for no apparent reason may indicate a problem in the body that requires immediate attention and treatment. However, weight loss can be a symptom of other diseases.

 10. Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea or vomiting can also be an early sign of leukaemia. Although it is a common symptom for most people, if it occurs on a regular basis and for no apparent reason, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.

As a result, anyone experiencing persistent nausea or vomiting should seek medical attention right away.

11. Headaches

Another sign of leukaemia cancer is headaches. This is caused by the impact of cancer cells on blood circulation in the brain. Leukaemia patients can experience severe and prolonged headaches.

Headaches, on the other hand, are a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress and tension headaches. However, persistent headaches may indicate a more serious problem, such as leukaemia.

12. Muscle and Back Pain

Patients with leukaemia often complain of muscle and back pain. Muscle and back pain can be caused by a lack of red blood cells in the body, which results in a lack of oxygen to the muscles and spine. This lack of oxygen can lead to severe muscle and back pain.

13. Rashes and Itchy Skin

Some cases of leukaemia also cause skin rashes, which may be due to an enlargement of white blood cells beneath the skin. An increase in the number of white blood cells in the body results in itchy skin.

14. Numbness in Hands or Feet

Numbness in the hands or feet is one of the symptoms of leukaemia and can also indicate leukaemia. Leukaemia causes numbness by accumulating abnormal white blood cells in the nerves, which restricts blood circulation.

This numbness is most commonly felt in areas of the body far from the heart, such as the hands and feet. It may also be accompanied by tingling or pain.

15. Lack of Focus and Sleep Problems

Leukaemia cancer can also cause someone to experience cognitive problems such as lack of focus and weak memory. This may be caused by toxins produced by abnormal white blood cells or hormonal imbalances.

In addition, sleep problems such as insomnia or restless sleep can also be a sign of leukaemia.

16. Changes in Heartbeat

A rapid and irregular heartbeat can also be an indication of leukaemia. This could be due to an abnormally high number of white blood cells in the blood, causing irregular heartbeat.

A fast-beating heart can also indicate anaemia caused by leukaemia.

17. Seizures

Seizures can also occur as a result of leukaemia. Seizures are neurological disorders caused by abnormal brain conditions. When abnormal white blood cells enter the brain, they can cause seizure-like symptoms like convulsions or loss of consciousness.

When to See a Doctor?

Anyone who exhibits early signs of leukaemia cancer should seek further evaluation at a clinic or hospital. This is due to the fact that these early warning signs may indicate a more serious health problem.

Doctors will evaluate the symptoms and perform diagnostic tests for leukaemia cancer. Patients with leukaemia will be referred to a haematology-oncology specialist, a doctor who specialises in treating blood cancers.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!

Leukaemia can be a very dangerous and life-threatening disease if not detected and treated immediately. Therefore, early identification of signs of leukaemia cancer is very important to ensure effective treatment and quick recovery for patients. So don't waste time and take action if you experience these symptoms!

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