3 years
Suspect having diabetes
Hi…I been under weight for many years and currently sometimes at midnight will go toilet and also easily get hunger…not sure is it diabetes, been eating a lot but not gaining weight at all.
Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hi, thank you for reaching out to us.
We understand your concern regarding your condition. However, we are unable to confirm whether you have diabetes or the symptoms you are experiencing is due to other condition. We strongly advised you to seek medical attention since you are having the symptoms for a long time.
Please seek medical attention as soon as possible if you are having these symptoms and signs:
- Frequently passing urine
- Frequently feeling hunger
- Feeling tired or fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of weight
- Fainting
- Headache
- Dizziness
This is only our general information on why you are having such symptoms. If you are in need of second opinion, do not hesitate to contact us at (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors online via phone call. We will protect your privacy. Thank you.