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Trichomoniasis Treatment

2 years

I recently had unprotected intercourse with someone, and I am aware that he has had multiple sexual partners before me. I have only had one sexual partner before them and had abstained from inte…

- Anonymous
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My chances with STD

3 years

Two years ago my boyfriend had sex with a virgin and he himself was a virgin too. So they lost their virginities to each other. He now has sex with me, could I be at risk of a STD When the both …

- Anonymous
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Possible Genital Herpes

3 years

Hello. I’m a man in the mids of 20s and I think I might have genital herpes. My sex life is a bit active but I recently got married and I started to notice blisters, usually in multiple dots on my ge…

- averagejoe1986
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Herpes Simplex HSV-2 keeps reoccur

4 years

I’ve HSV-2 for years but it keeps reoccur every now and then. I’m using Acyclovir Stade 5g cream but doesn’t seem effective. I’m planning to get the oral med but it requires prescription, which …

- Anonymous
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I think I may have a sexually transmitted infection

4 years

I have been experiencing a discharge, yellowish from my penis, fever at night, lower abdominal pain and back pain. My urine has been cloudy and foul smelling too

- Anonymous
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28yo male encounter dry penile skin

4 years

Hi dr,Im 28yo male, uncircumcised, recently i got my STD-free results. But recently i felt the penile skin is dry sometimes. May i know wats the causes? Thanks

- Anonymous
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Crumbly light yellow vaginal discharge

4 years

Hi. I am 22 yrs old female. It’s been almost a week I’m having weird vaginal discharge. I can feel the discharge and when check… There will be a light yellow patch on my panty liner. If I inser…

- Anonymous
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My anus surrounding becomes very painful and reddish. White spots are spotted and they always give out pus fluid

4 years

Hi, I am a 24 years old male and i do not have sexual intercourse. After work 1 day, my asshole become very painful and there are many white spots at the surrounding of the asshole. I work under…

- Anonymous
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I have been experiencing itchiness and swelling around my vulva with white puss under my labia and around my vaginal entrance with white discharge

4 years

I’m 17 years old and I have been experiencing problems with my vulva as stated in the title for 2 days now,I’m not sure if it’s a yeast infection or a sexually transmitted diseas since I had sex…

- Anonymous
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I have been experiencing itchiness and swelling aroung my vulva with white puss under my labia and around my vaginal entrance with white discharge

4 years

I’m 17 years old and have been experiencing problems with my vulva as stated in the title,I’m not sure if it’s a yeast infection or a sexualyy trn

- Anonymous
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Genital herpes. I think I have a genital herpes. But I’m too shy to see a doctor. What can i do or medicine to buy at local pharmacy? Its been 2 days for now. Thank you

4 years

I think I have a genital herpes. But I’m too shy to see a doctor. What can i do or medicine to buy at local pharmacy? Its been 2 days for now. Thank you.

- Anonymous
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Vaginal infection or vulvovaginitis

4 years

I am 24 years old since last two weeks i am having itching, irritaion, burning and discomfort and pain in urination and during intercourse. Can you please suggest any medicine as it is difficult…

- Anonymous
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White Discharge at penis

4 years

Hi doc, I have noticed white discharge from my penis from past few days. I have burning sensation during urinating. Afraid it’s STI as I’m sexually active (mostly oral). Please advice what type …

- Anonymous
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Cloudy yellow things

4 years

Hi, I have cloudy yellow liquid that keep getting out from penis right now. It only started today. But my urine is normal colour.

- rafiqbaihaqi
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Vaginitis strong smell

4 years

Vaginitis strong smell and came out with Leucorrhea looks like bean dregs, yellow-green purulent liquid, fishy smell or bloodshot

- Anonymous
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Pain and greenish yellow spot on penis

4 years

I found pain and burning sensation on my penis … my penis head has patches on greenish yellow spot recently … and I had sex 1 month back

- Anonymous
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Suspected gonorrhea infection

4 years

recently after urine i had a slight pain at my penis, i notice that a pus-like discharge which is white color from the penis, frequency of urination and redness at the opening of the penis. so i…

- Anonymous
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HSV-2 Genital Herpes

4 years

Hi doc, unfortunately I have been diagnosed with Herpes Simplex Virus one and Two. I haven’t had cold sores around my lips, but the breakouts in the genitalia area is causing discomfort. What medicati…

- adam.helmi
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Sexual Transmitted Infection

4 years

Hi greetings to all respected doctors, I would like to ask a few questions and this post might be quite long but I really hope that someone could answer to all my questions I had sex with my p…

- Anonymous
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Vaginal Issue and having a problem detecting it

4 years

This is the second partner i had sexual intercourse with. After second time exposed to unprotected sex with him, for the next few weeks i felt the need to pee every 20 mins. drinking a lot water…

- Anonymous
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Why do I have this white yellowish discharge?

5 years

I am a mother of a 9 months old baby. I noticed that i was having white-yellowish discharge but there’s no odour nor itchiness came out with it. I’ve met a doctor once. The doctor gave me a vaginal in…

- karina
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