Do You Belong To The First Phase of COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients?

Coronavirus Vaccine (COVID-19): Who Is The Priority? - DoctorOnCall

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the greater society worldwide, changing our daily lives and routine. Many sectors such as economy and education are adversely affected.

On top of that, this pandemic has challenged healthcare systems worldwide, including Malaysia. Therefore, the successful development of a vaccine for COVID-19 is a beacon of hope for every human that wants to return to a normal life. Several companies around the world have successfully developed a COVID-19 vaccine, but its production so far is limited.

These vaccines have started making their way around the world, and it's hoped that its benefits will also be obtained by Malaysians soon enough. But even when the vaccine reaches our shores, due to limited supply, it will most likely be given out in stages. So who is eligible for this vaccine first?

Who Will Get The COVID-19 Vaccine First?

There are various factors to consider in choosing who will get the COVID-19 vaccine. Certainly, the high-risk people will be prioritized but if the high-risk number is excessive, then the limited vaccine supply may not be enough to cover all these people. Based on the report given by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) among those who should receive the vaccine first are in the order below:

1. Residents and caregivers in the nursing homes

2. Those aged 80 and over, and frontliners (doctors, nurses)

3. Those aged 75 and over

4. Those aged 70 and over and people with chronic and high-risk illnesses 

5. Those aged 65 and over

6. Those aged 16 to 64 who have chronic diseases

7. Those aged 60 and over

8. Those aged 55 and over

9. Those aged 50 and over

Through the National COVID-19 Immunization Program developed by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), the vaccination program will start in March and will be divided into 3 phases. That is, frontliners, the vulnerable, and followed by civilians aged 18 and over.

The frontliners have the monumental task of ensuring the continuation of essential services amidst this challenging time. Whether they are in healthcare, the food industry, or security, they will be prioritized in receiving the vaccine over others as their occupation puts them among the most at risk to the infection.

The vulnerable are also on priority list for the vaccines after the frontliners because they are at high risk of falling ill and dying if infected with COVID-19. Among the vulnerable are; adults 65 years and older, those with weakened immune systems, those with chronic diseases, pregnant women, infants under 6 months of age. Caregivers in childcare centers and nursing homes should also get vaccinated as they work closely with the high risk group and could potentially spread the virus to them.

Does this mean that anyone who is not in the listed group will not get the vaccine? No. This is just a list of those who will receive the vaccine first. As the rate of vaccine production increases, the list of people who will receive the vaccine will also increase and all Malaysians will also receive this vaccine.

What You Need To Know About The COVID-19 Vaccine

As this vaccine is still new, many people are wondering about the safety of this vaccine. Here is what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine.

1. Understanding The COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

The mRNA vaccine is a new vaccine in its protective function against infection. mRNA plays a role in teaching our body to produce a protein similar to the spike protein contained in the coronavirus to initiate the body's response and antibodies production against this virus to fight future infection.

2. Does This Vaccine Cause A Person To Get COVID-19?

No. Although this vaccine is produced by mRNA from coronavirus, it only initiates the antibodies production in the body. This vaccine does not contain any viruses or components that can make you sick. This can be attested from testimonials from both healthcare professionals as well as notable public figures. 

3. Is This Vaccine Safe?

Although mRNA vaccine is a new type of vaccine, you should know that it has an extensive history of research behind it and the study has been used to treat other diseases.

You do not have to worry about the safety of this vaccine because the selection of this vaccine is made by local experts after evaluating all the data, evidence and reports from clinical trials. The production of a vaccine is not an easy task. To be approved and used by the community, the vaccine has undergone a rigorous evaluation and review process from various aspects to ensure the safety of consumers.

All vaccines that have been invented will undergo clinical trials to ensure their safety before being used by humans around the world. The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has set the conditions to be complied with to make sure the vaccine is safe.

Although the vaccines have been approved for use by FDA, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will also conduct continuous monitoring to detect any problems such as other side effects of vaccines.

4. Will The Vaccine Recipient Get Any Side Effects?

There are no treatments and medications that have no side effects. Medications like paracetamol that you use to get rid of headaches also have side effects.

So far, based on the data obtained, this vaccine only causes mild side effects such as fever, headaches and muscle aches which are self limiting. 

5. Is This Vaccine Effective?

So far, one of the vaccines produced is mRNA vaccine which has up to 95% effectiveness in preventing this infection.

6. Do I Need To Wear A Face Mask After Getting The Vaccine?

Yes. You should wear a face mask even after getting the vaccine. Other than protecting yourself if you belong to the 5% group where the vaccine is not effective, you are also able to protect others who may not yet receive it or those who cannot get the vaccine.

7. Does This Vaccine Provide Long-term Protection?

For now, it is too early for us to know if this vaccine will provide protection for a long term. However, at the moment we know that individuals who recover from COVID-19 do have protection or immunity for a while before they can be re-infected.

8. Will The Vaccine Prevent The Spread Of The Virus?

Currently, although research data have found that vaccines are effective in preventing mild and moderate symptoms, studies are still being conducted to see if vaccines can prevent the spread of the virus.


Although the COVID-19 vaccine has been invented, we must take care of ourselves and our health. Always wear a face mask and practice social distancing. It is too early for us to win this pandemic. Remember, “Kita Jaga Kita”.


*The free doctor consult initiative is supported and fully funded by DoctorOnCall