The sanitary pads should not only provide protection during the menstrual cycle, but the function should also include the physiological aspects and prevention of infection or disease such as pathological vaginal discharge. The women's intimate area is slightly acidic. It is important to retain this acidity because pH changes can initiate the development of harmful microorganisms. The normal vaginal flora in healthy women is highly colonized by Lactobacilli. The lactic acid produced maintains the constant acidity of the vagina.
Infections can occur if the balance of natural protection breaks such as poor hygiene care during menstruation. When the sanitary pads are in direct contact with the skin, the chance of accumulation of the microorganisms is higher. Candida albicans causes candidiasis, fungal infection and is the second most common reproductive tract infection (RTI) affecting up to 75% of women at least once. Poor menstrual hygiene management is said to contribute to a higher risk of RTI.
Besides poor hygiene, sweating is another contributing factor to infection. No doubt sweating is a part of our physiological need, but it can be a nuisance during menstruation as it also promotes bacterial growth such as Streptococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and eventually causes discomfort and infection. According to a scientific report published in Nature Journal, the presence of bacteria Streptococcus aureus was detected in menstrual fluid in 40% of healthy women.
Based on the above reasons, one of the features that should be highlighted when choosing the right sanitary pad is its ability to prevent the mentioned issues. Therefore, a pad with antibacterial properties is a must-have item for every woman.