
2 years

Online prescription of zoloft/setraline

Doktor , saya wanita , 24 . Used to take zoloft to cope my depression , since i moved abroad , is any chance for me to get online prescription to get the medicine here ? Since this medication is only with prescription

Thank you for your query.

Based on the information above, we understand that you used to take antidepressant medications and currently living abroad. You want to know whether it’s possible to get the prescription for the medication online.

For your information, online medication prescription is possible in Malaysia. However, psychiatric medications are more tightly controlled and requires prescription from your own attending psychiatrist. We advised that you contact your attending psychiatrist or a new psychiatrist at the region you are in.

If you want more information about the process, please contact our doctors via online consultation. Hope this answers your question.
Thank you.

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