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The Accuracy Of HIV Result After 1 Year

2 years

Last exposure (oral sex) : 25 Jun 2020 After 1 year and 4 months (26 October 2021) without expose with any risky acitivity, I took HIV lab test and the result was HIV ag/ab screening CMIA : non…

- Anonymous
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Hiv test kit done twice and the results were negative

2 years

Hello doctors. I’m 29 years old female have questions regarding HIV test kit. So once i asked a question here based on regarding topic, where i did a test when i was 8 years old and the result a…

- Anonymous
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Can You Get HIV From Breast Milk?

2 years

Hi there, I knew that an HIV-positive mother can transmit HIV to her baby any time during breastfeeding. May I know if there is any HIV risk involved for nipple sucking on lactating woman?

- Anonymous
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Can Adult Get Hiv From Breast Milk?

2 years

Hi there, I knew that an HIV-positive mother can transmit HIV to her baby any time during breastfeeding. May I know if there is any HIV risk involved for adule regarding nipple sucking on lactat…

- Anonymous
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HIV self test kit result

2 years

I had a HIV self test kit last month. I got the fourth-generation one. It shows NEGATIVE. Then, I had the test again on today. It shows me the same result, NEGATIVE. So, is it accurate for I am …

- Anonymous
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HIV Self test kit’s result

2 years

I had unprotected anal sex last December. I brought the fourth-generation HIV Self test last 2 weeks ago. I tested negative. But I sort of scare that result is invalid cause I noticed there was …

- Anonymous
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The fourth-generation HIV self test kit

2 years

I had unprotected sex last December. It’s been 9 months from now. I was still scared I would have HIV. So I decided to buy the fourth-generation HIV self-test kit. I dropped 2 drops of blood. B…

- Anonymous
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Hiv/aids possibility

2 years

I’m a 29yo woman. My dad diagnosed with hiv and died because of hiv related diseases on 2000- i was 8 and my mom died on 2008 also with the same problem. I was 16 at that time. Got a brother and…

- Anonymous
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Adakah dengan menderma darah.. seseorang itu boleh d jangkiti HIV

2 years

Di ringkas Kan cerita… Sy Baru kenal seorg llki… kami sudah berkawan hampir setahun dan Baru skrg dia beritahu dekat sy yang dia Ada penyakit HIV… ATAU PN PPC… lelaki tersebut cakap ia berpunca …

- Anonymous
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Adakah saya akan mengetahui status hiv dengan ujian darah?

2 years

Saya wanita berumur 22 tahun. Sy pernah ke hospital kerana gastrik sampai muntah-muntah. Dr juga telah mengambil darah untuk mengetahui penyakit apa yang sy alami tapi dr ckp darah saya okay tia…

- Anonymous
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Adakah kesan daripada vaksin dos 1 atau tanda hiv

2 years

Saya leaki berumur 18 tahun. Saya telah menerima vaksin dos pertama pda 5/8… selepas empat hari divaksin di kulit saya tumbuh bintik-bintik merah dan tidak gantal.pada mulanya tidak kelihatan s…

- Anonymous
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HIV testing accuracy

3 years

I am a 27 years old guy, exposed to HIV in 2018. I took blood test in 2020 including HIV test at BP lab and it show negative. My concern is whether the result accurate or not. Can HIV still dete…

- Anonymous
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Infeksi human infection virus(HIV)

3 years

hai. saya ingin bertanya kpd doktor. saya kurang faham tentang infeksi dan tanda tanda hiv. Mungkin lagi faham dari sumber sumber internet.terima kasih

- Anonymous
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Hiv test Accuracy in india

3 years

Hiv tridot rapid test after 10 months of exposure is conclusive or not

- Anonymous
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Hiv tridot rapid test after 10 months

3 years

Hiv tridot rapid test after 10 months of exposure is non reactive is it conclusive or any false negatives

- Anonymous
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Hiv speculum during the pap test

3 years

I did pap test 1 month back and I don’t know whether speculum is sterlized or not If it’s not sterlized can I get hiv from unsterilised vagnia speculum and I’m sure that it is not used for 2 hou…

- Anonymous
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Hiv transmission by speculum in gyno cliniv

3 years

Can I get hiv from unsterilised vagnia speculum during the pap test and not used for 2 hours before the pap test

- Anonymous
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Hiv phobia(worried to having hiv)

3 years

I have an exposure to sex a year ago,I already make self test during 6th,7th, and 8th months after exposure,all result still negative but I still worried and think about it,did I need to do test…

- Anonymous
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Pertanyaan HIV dgn sama jantina

3 years

Saya telah melakukan sex dgn sama jantina tetapi hanya cium dan isap sahaja… adakah saya ada pontensi mendapat HIV. SayA kena tunggu berapa hari untuk check rapid test kit. Mohon bantu.

- Anonymous
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Hiv test result question

3 years

Hello, i would like to ask about the test that i did. The report mention that the HIV Ag/Ab (CMIA) is non-reactive, but there is a value of 0.33. What does the value means? Thanks

- Anonymous
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Potential HIV exposure

3 years

Doctor… I have protected vaginal intercourse and received protected and unprotected oral sex with sex worker recently. I am worry on exposure on HIV as I dont know the status of the sex worker. …

- Anonymous
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HIV risk and is PEP needed?

3 years

I’m a circumcised male who had a non penetrative encounter with another male. During the episode, he ejaculated on my private and used the semen to masturbate me. Am I at the risk of infection a…

- Anonymous
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Hiv viral load undetectable and suspect viral load rose up again

3 years

Hi Doctor, I’m 29 year old male living with hiv. I already taken tenof and efavirenz and on time and never missout . july i get my id clinic appointment and they tell me im undetectable viral lo…

- Anonymous
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Hiv treatment how to seek immediate treatment

3 years

Hi for HIV treatment for HIV+ patients, I was made to understand due to covid 19, hospitals now don’t do this but only klinik kesihatan administers hiv treatment. May I know if this is true and …

- Anonymous
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Simptom for HIV/Aids

3 years

may i know how we want to know simptom for HIV/Aids?

- Anonymous
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Risk level of the hiv transmission?

3 years

Hi doctor , would like to ask if virginal fluid get contact with sore on body , is that consider a high risk of hiv transmission ?

- Anonymous
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Do i have to go for PEP medication?

3 years

Hi , i have protected sex , i think i got contact with vaginal fluids right and just realise that i have a sore on my leg , do i need to go for PEP ?

- Anonymous
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Waktu yang sesuai untuk melakukan rapid test?

4 years

Selepas terdedah kepada risiko untuk dijangkiti hiv

- Anonymous
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Regarding to my partner

4 years

My partner and I had sex once and she was tested positive after the two months. Is my chance to get HIV high? What medicine is normally used in the early stage of HIV and is it costly?

- Anonymous
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HIV Rapid Blood Test Result

4 years

Hi, I had receptive anal sex with a few partners (all wearing condoms and HIV negative) for a while and on September 2019 I attended a party in which I was drugged and raped by another man in wh…

- Anonymous
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