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I am coughing for 4 days. Pls help

3 years

Good day Dr. I am coughing for 4 days already. I have fever as well and yesterday I started to coighing up blood. Today I feel very tired and still coughing. Do I have any health issue Dr? Pls h…

- Anonymous
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Moving Inner Cornea- Working at Construction Site

3 years

I am working in construction industry and I am exposed to sun everyday. At first, my eyes turn red every night. I assumed it was because of dust at construction site. But today in the morning, I…

- Anonymous
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Prolong cough - 12 year old

4 years

I need help to check my 12 year old son who’s been coughing for more than a month already. Went to gp and pead already but still cannot resolve. Thanks

- Anonymous
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Sinus is really bad day by day

4 years

Hi doctor, I’m a 21 y/o girl and hv been suffering with sinus since I was about 5/6 y/o. Every day, either in the morning/afternoon/night, my throat itches along with my ears as well which then …

- Anonymous
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Mild cough, 37.3 C on armpit, irritation in right eye

4 years

I am a 31 years old male, I recently have a irritating feeling on my right eye, causing it to swell a little on the eye bag, I noticed that my eye also turned a little pink. Took my temperature …

- Anonymous
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Feels like there is mucus in my throat

4 years

It has felt like there has been mucus in my throat for over a month. It has felt like it nonstop no matter what I do. I am not sure if I should be concerned or not.

- Anonymous
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Cough , long period of time

4 years

My son who is 7 years old and autistic, has been having this cought for over 6 months. We have been to many clinics, all checks seems normal, some cough medication given, but nothing has cured i…

- Anonymous
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URTI & recurrent tonsil for 3yo boy

4 years

My son is having URTI & tonsil, and recurrent almost monthly. NO cough No fever. Active. Refused food, mostly ask for cold water / milk only. Last visit to clinic 7/5/2020, treatment : cetriz…

- Anonymous
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Concern of 3 weeks with phlegm

4 years

Hi, I had experience whitish phlegm for 3 weeks, last 3 days started fever for 2 days. I only feeling feverish on morning, after take bath and had some rest, temp normalize again. Past 3 days al…

- Anonymous
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Cough at most night change Voice

4 years

I am 28 year old male I am having cough through last 25 days at most of night and morning time I am talking medicine also consultant doctor but they said I I will be ok but it’s giving me troubl…

- Anonymous
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Feels Like Something is Stuck in my Throat

4 years

For the past couple weeks it has felt like something has been stuck in my throat. I can still breathe and swallow so I don’t know if something is actually stuck and if I should be concerned or w…

- Anonymous
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Sore throat and dry cough

4 years

I am female with age 26, I have sore throat sin e last Monday for 2 days then recover but its came back again this Tuesday until this morning I feel throat itchy to cause me coughing sore throat…

- Anonymous
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Nose blocked, sneezing running nose in the morning and night

4 years

I am 29 year old female. facing nose blocked for more than 3 weeks. Always sneezing in the morning and night. Is it possible be sinus? previous few year I hav like this but just maintain for few…

- Anonymous
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Nasal Congestion when lying down

4 years

Difficulty breathing when lying down, no mucus but the tissues at both sides swell exactly when i lie down and clear up when i stadnd up. I wake up sleep deprived with congested nose and unable …

- Anonymous
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Ive been having cough for 2 days and my lips had a sore

4 years

I am having sore in my lips and cough. Please provide me with cough medicines and bonjela cream for the lip sore

- Anonymous
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Athma. Now hv cough and a lot of phlegm

4 years

Hi doc. I hv athma. Now i hv cough and a lot of phlegm. Pls recommend the medicine to reduce cough and phlegm

- Anonymous
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Cough since Chinese New Year

4 years

Hello doctor. I’m 36 female. I had cough but no fever, for almost a month now (I was having sore throat and cough during CNY too, but again no fever. Suspect cough ‘return’ after eating durian or prob…

- paikge110
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Sore throat incty and flu

4 years

I feel not feeling well since 2 days ago, a bit flu, body feel heat, sore throat feel intcy, I consult doctor 2 days ago, doctor said no fever, the test result is 37 celcius. What should I do. T…

- Anonymous
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Flu for 4days and fever on and off . Fever already stop but flu still persists

4 years

Doctor… I’m Sharimila . Right now my son having a cold and fever on off . As I check now there is no fever but flu still persists . How can we stop this

- Anonymous
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Breathing difficulties + Fever on and off

4 years

Good morning doctors,i am 32 years old man and last saturday i happened to visit Brickfields and after coming back from it i felt feverish and a mild breathing uneasiness. Then the next day itself i v…

- hareneish
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Headache yesterday and today feeling sore throat

4 years

Hi, i am 25 years old, yesterday i had mild headache but today i do not feel headache anymore. However, i feel that my throat is a little bit sore and i cough once this morning. My temperature scanned…

- czq729
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Blocked nose and sore throat

4 years

Hi doctor, I had a slight flu, slight cough and slight sore throat 3 days ago, but no fever Today one of my nose is blocked , still with slight sore throat , occasional coughs and no fever Did not t…

- ganyenni
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Batuk berkahak Dan Hidung tersumbat tiada deria bau

4 years

Hello doctor saya seorang wanita berumur 25 tahun Dan berkerja sebagai jurual. Sejak sebulan lebih saya mengalami batuk yang berkahak kental sampai lah sekarang saya merasa Hidung saya kerap tersumbat…

- kylekim202
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Swollen on my penis foreskin

5 years

Swollen on my penis foreskin starting from today morning . Not sure because of what

- Anonymous
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I just started to cough and my tonsils are swollen

5 years

I just started to cough and my tonsils are swollen. It’s not painful yet. I saw a GP 2 days ago and I started on some lozenges for throat and actifad (flu pill) once a night. I felt feverish and col…

- zaini
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Vaccine can prevent respiratory infections?

5 years

Hi doctor, my friend has been talking about taking vaccines to prevent respiratory tract infections. Is it true that there are vaccines that can prevent this kind of infection? The doctor told me befo…

- mirei
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6 month old baby crying more than usual. I am worried

5 years

Hi doc. My 6 month old boy is crying more than usual, his nose is watery and the eyes are red. His body is a bit warm. He can’t sleep very well and refuses to feed himself. Why is that doctor? I am ve…

- ruben82
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Runny nose and sore throat

5 years

I have been having runny nose and sore throat since about a week ago. I went to see a doctor before, but the condition has not reduced yet. What should I do?

- wildad
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