
4 tahun

Breakout acne skin problem

Hi doc. Im having major acne breakout right now. Especially chin area. Already tried many products still didn’t cure. Please help me.

Thank you for your question.

This answer is a general description of the problem you are having. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to a doctor.

Acne is the most common dermatological condition faced by many people. One of the complications of acne is scarring and black pigmentation on skin. Fortunately acne scars can be treated.

Acne is usually triggered by certain factors such as are oil-based cosmetic products, stress and anxiety, unhealthy eating habits, humidity or exposure to dirt, hormonal changes and physical irritation from headbands or occlusive clothing. It is important for you to identify what is the contributing factor to your acne formation and removing it.

You are advised to follow a routine daily skincare regime using oil-free and gentle products as well as cleanse your skin after sweating and before going to bed. You should also avoid diet rich in oil and fats, and increase intake of fruits and vegetables
You can also use topical products containing alpha hydroxyl acids, lactic acids, topical retinoids or salicylic acids. However it is advisable to get advice from your dermatologists before using these products as they may be a little harsh for your skin.

If these treatments do not work, your doctor may recommend certain procedures such as dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, fillers, microneedling and injections. Acne scars can be debilitating but there are many treatment options. However, the best way to handle acne is prevention.

Please talk to our doctor to get a more accurate explanation on acne treatment and prevention. You can click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us online. You can also Whatsapp to get information on type of medication/products that could help your alleviate your problem. Thank you

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