5 years
My father had kidney disease
Hello doctor, my father had kidney disease and now doctor wants him to undergo dialysis. Can you give explaination about this procedure? I am worried about him. Thank you.

5 years
Hi, thank you for your question. Dialysis is a treatment that helps the body to perform some functions of the kidneys, such as keeping electrolytes in the blood (sodium, bicarbonate, potassium) at a safe level, removing waste products, extra water and salt and controlling blood pressure. Patients need dialysis when they start developing end stage kidney disease (85-90% of kidney function lost) and many will need dialysis for the rest of their life.
There are 2 types of dialysis, namely haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Haemodialysis uses a machine that acts like an artificial kidney to take blood from patient’s body and pump it through a filter, then return the purified blood into the body.
A minor surgery is needed to create a fistula (joining of artery to vein) in the arm or leg to gain access into blood vessels. If this is not possible, a graft (soft plastic tube to join artery to vein) may be needed. A temporary access may be made using a catheter (plastic tube). Each haemodialysis session usually lasts around 4 hours and is done 3 times a week.
In peritoneal dialysis, fluid is exchanged by infusing a cleansing fluid into patient’s abdomen and then draining the used fluid away through a catheter inserted in the abdomen. Patients may feel some discomfort when needles are inserted. Some may have a drop in blood pressure but patients in general tolerate dialysis well.
There are 2 forms of peritoneal dialysis. One of it is continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)where patients usually carry out 4 exchanges daily. The second type is automated peritoneal dialysis (APD), which uses a machine to exchange fluid during sleep.
Most patients lead a relatively normal live. They just have to limit the amount of water they drink everyday, eat healthily and avoid strenous activities.
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your inquiries. Thank you.