Coronavirus Infection
Explore Coronavirus Infectionrelated questions
Positive covid untuk diabetes
2 years
45yrs, day 6 positive. Sometimes coughing n rashes. Do nasal test today still double line. Diabetes for 10 yrs. The question is even slightly simptom but the test still positive. Worried
- Anonymous
COVID fever not subsiding
2 years
I am having COVID (tested positive on RTK / RAT test twice) - day 3 of COVID. The fever is now at 39.5C and even after taking 2x500mg paracetamol, I cannot bring the fever down below 38.3C. Do I…
- Anonymous
Is it post-covid, anxiety, brain tumour?
2 years
I am 18 years old. I am a boy. I have been having this headache, tiredness and nausea for the past 7 days. I also started developing dizziness about 3 days ago. The symptoms seem to keep interch…
- Anonymous
1st day got symptom and test kit +ve, later getting better and subsequent test kit -ve and pcr -ve, can i go out from isolation? im on my 3rd day
2 years
As per the title, on thursday i developed fatigue, chills and joint pain. i conducted a self test kit (saliva) and was tested positive. on friday my condition got better and went to take pcr tes…
- Anonymous
Covid-19: Blood in phlegm and chest pain
2 years
Hi doctor, good day to you. I was recently tested positive for Covid, and I started seeing blood in my phlegm along with chest pain. I’ve also been having really bad sore throat that left me una…
- Anonymous
PCR still low even after 7 days quarantine period
2 years
My parents both tested positive on last Wednesday and Sunday, Since my dad have finish his quarantine period of 7 days as per KKM. On the 6th day he did a PCR test to check on his CT Value and i…
- Anonymous
Positive after recovering from covid
2 years
I was tested covid positive, had symptoms flu, sore throat cough, fever all. I recovered after 7 days quarantine period, no symptoms already. i did the rapid test - it is still positive. Do i n…
- Anonymous
Chemical poisoning + Covid post symptoms
2 years
I have inhaled dettol antibacterial All in one disinfectant spray lavender then I faced shortness of breath, chest pain and water vomiting, lidah rasa berangin and not nice. After that, my post…
- Anonymous
Covid self test kid
2 years
I am woman in 27years old , i use saliva ag easy test when 8/3 , after 15-25 minute result is negative . but today my test kid become 2 line , that mean i positive ard ?请问多久为准确。放久是否会变质?
- Anonymous
Covid rtk test positive after quarantine
2 years
I was tested positive on 2 March through test kits Then I quarantined from 2 March to 8 March As I dont encounter any symptoms, I’ve also done self test kits on 8 &9 March to check my covid st…
- Anonymous
I got covid and i dont know what to do as i am positive again after 2 days
2 years
Hi. i got covid and i have quarantine at home for about 12 days now. My rtk on day 10 was faded positive and day 11 it became negative but on day 12 i got faded positive on my rtk. So am i still…
- Anonymous
Covid-19 question about PCR
2 years
My father is been confirmed for covid-19 and is been 13 day since that day. The PCR test come out all the gene is “detected” but the rapid test is negetive result. Now my father is saying he did…
- Anonymous
Covid 19 symptoms with dizziness
2 years
Hi, I was wondering dizziness is one of the symptoms of COVID-19 ? Because i had positive from Covid-19, self quarantine at home. And i having dizziness, disequilibrium feel like. Very uncomfort…
- Anonymous
Body Temperature around 35C
2 years
hi I am 40 years old. since i diagnosed with covid from 16-2 , i have been quarantined at home till today. but my body temperature was ranging from 35-35.5 (ear measurement) and i do rapid test …
- Anonymous
Covid-19 and its symptoms
2 years
Is it possible to get covid just with body pain and without flu?
- Anonymous
How to santitise room and electronic equipment after home quarantine for covid 19?
2 years
Tested positive for covid 19 about a week ago and quarantined myself in a room in my house. Expect to test negative soon. How should I sanitise my room, PC, mobile and sofa?
- Anonymous
COVID positive with rashes/ hives skin symptom
2 years
I am COVID positive since 11/2. And develop rashes like hives on my body, leg, hand and even sometime on face. Normally it worsen at night. It started on the 4th, 5th day. Isn’t normal for COVI…
- Anonymous
Covid19 and Medical Leave
2 years
Does a covid19 patient with no symptoms eligible to ask for Medical Leave from doctor? Instead of being told to quarantine but STILL work-from-home, can the patient get a medical leave from doctor so…
- ohjani
COVID-19 throat and cough prevent by oregano
2 years
Hi , im a male student , Dr. My father ask me to take 5 leaves of oregano every hour like 2 hour and then rpeat as medicine for my throat. I eat oregano leaves fresh and raw , not eat i mean suc…
- Anonymous
Quarantine Period Calculation
2 years
Hi Doctor(s)! My son was tested positive on 11 February and was symptomatic since 9 February. Later on I was tested negative (RTPCR) and I was (and still) asymptomatic. Based on latest KKM dir…
- Anonymous
Exposed to positive COVID-19 patients
2 years
Hi Doctor, On last friday, i had diarrhea, went to toilet for 3 times and vommit 4 times. on the same day, my office announced that there are 7 people confirmed COVID-19 positive and one of the…
- Anonymous
Covid 19 RTK-Ag positive for 10days even after quarantine am I still contagious
2 years
Hi I have been contracted with COVID-19 and I have quarantined for 10days but my RTK antigen test has been positive everyday throughout the quarantine period. Since my quarantine period has ende…
- Anonymous
Am I positive with COVID-19?
3 years
I’m an 18 year old. I felt sick a few days ago. Yesterday that sick feeling turned to fever and muscle pain. I bought an Alltest Antigen Rapid Test Kit, and when I did the test it showed a stron…
- Anonymous
Blocked Nose without Flu or Mucus
3 years
I am 27yo and just come back from Umrah on 21/12/21. I was tested positive Covid-19 on 25/12/2021. I have quite severe Resdung allergies since I was in high school and had several time paid my visit …
- rotihangit94
Availability of Covid RTK / PCR professional tests in compliance with latest VTL requirements
3 years
The recent VTL travel (AIR) into Malaysia requires additonal tests to be carried out by visitors eg RTK-Ag by a professional on days 3 and Day 5. Where can I get this test done by your group of …
- AnonymousCovid-19 Self test kit
3 years
For Home quarantine 2ns swab test can i use the self test kit and upload the result or need to visit clinic for RT-PCR, pls advise thanks
- Anonymous
Home quarantine due to overseas travel
3 years
Hi Doctor, i have travelled back from India on 2nd Dec and test negative at Airport swab test and under 7 days home quarantine, does 2nd swab test is mandatory if so can i take the test at any c…
- Anonymous
Positive covid 19, ct value 36
3 years
Im positive Covid-19 with ct value 36. How long to is my recovery rate 36-40?
- Anonymous
My father is 67 and positive Covid
3 years
My father admitted into the hospital for Covid-19. The doctor said that my father is on Stage 4 now and they’re administering steroid and some meds for inflammatory heart. My father has high bl…
- Anonymous
Confirmed Covid case
3 years
My son just being confirmed for covid positive (CT is above 20). Kindly advise on what should I do next?
- Anonymous