
3 tahun

Phlegm stuck in my throat for about four days but no fever/cough/sore throat

Hi, I’m sufi and 24. For the past four days i feel that there are phlegm stuck in my throat. This happened some times but after i went for checkup at clinic and they provided me medicine after one two days they are gone. But not this time. It has been four days it’s stuck in my throat. No fever just i feel hot inside but my temperature is normal. No coughing no sore throat. Doctor i went for checkup mentioned that i may have some allergies but just to mention I did went to interstate travel early this year. Do you suggest me to go for a swab test instead?

Thank you for your question.

For your information, COVID-19 screening is usually subjected to patients that have experienced a fever. However with regards to your current health, it can indeed be the symptoms of condition such as:

  • Faringitis
  • Rhinosinusitis
  • and other related inflammation without or minimal fever

Please seek a doctor if the symptoms persist.

Any how, we understand your worries especially towards a potential close contact and possible positive symptoms of COVID-19

Want to boost your body’s immunity? Supplements are always a viable option!

For your information, WHO listed common symptoms for COVID-19 infection as follows:

  • Fever (more than 37.5 degrees Celcius)
  • Fatigue
  • Cough
  • Aches and pains
  • Sore throat
  • Headaches
  • Shortness of breath

According to the Ministry of Health, close contact refers to either:

  • Health care-associated exposure, including providing direct care for 2019-nCoV patients, working with health care workers infected with 2019-nCoV, visiting patients or staying in the same close environment of a 2019nCoV patient.
  • Working together in close proximity or sharing the same classroom environment with a with 2019-nCoV patient
  • Traveling together with 2019-nCoV patient in any kind of conveyance
  • Living in the same household as a 2019-nCoV patient

I would also encourage you to answer this quiz on Risk Assessment for COVID-19 to evaluate your health status in regards to this disease. After completing this quiz, you will be classified into several categories. Further instructions will be given at the end of the quiz. Please act accordingly.

In need of a second opinion? Our pulmonologist are here to help.

You may also click on this link to directly request a COVID-19 screening test. Or contact the Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC). Other than that, do practice good hand hygien and wear your face mask in public.

CPRC contact:
[email protected]

For more information on your health condition, or for more accurate treatment to be implemented, a more detailed test should be done beforehand. Click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk online with our certified doctors. Thank you


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Untuk Membuat Janji Temu Vaksinasi COVID-19 Di Klinik Swasta, Klik Di Sini

Untuk Menempah Ujian PCR/Ujian RTK COVID-19, Klik Di Sini

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