
2 years

Head pain bitten by tick/ pig lice

Hi I’m 21 years old, I got bitten by tick at the right side of head. After remove it my right side of head still pain when i touch it

Dr Ramzdhan,

2 years

Greetings, thank you for your question.

I understand your concerns, I will try to help you.

Based on the information you provide, the headache symptoms you experience can be due to several things such as:

  • Effects of infection on cavities
  • Tension headaches - due to stress or pain
  • Migraines - triggers such as chocolate foods, cheese and caffeinated beverages
  • Infections in the ear
  • Neck muscle tension - causes headaches

Therefore I highly recommend you speak to your doctor regarding your situation to provide you with the safest and best route of care to manage your condition as a whole. You can contact our doctor online for further information and treatment.

I hope this answer helps you. Thank you.

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