Skin Rashes

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Skin Rashes

Having a Jock Itch

2 years

I use bensodine which stopped the itch but the skin problem is still visible, redish patch. Please advise

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Redness comes and goes

2 years

Hi, I’m a 25 years old female, having redness on my forehead and cheeks which comes and goes, exacerbated on sun exposure and menstruation and sometimes certain foods. The redness associated wit…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Itchy at evening, not related with foods, almost three weeks

2 years

46 years old man, lately at night itchy like elergy, never happen before

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Vitiligo - white spot patches appear randomly on whole body

2 years

I’m male, late 30s , I develop white patches on body and it spreading to other random area small spots quick fast…I found online it was most likely vitiligo…May I know how to stop it from spread…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Sunburn blisters or cold sore

2 years

hi I went hiking on last Saturday and was exposed to extreme sunlight from 11.00-12.30pm. On Monday morning I have some blister appeared near my lips. I went to pharmacist and was given Virless …

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Baby skin problem, possibly ringworm infection

2 years

Hi, my 9month old baby having red patches on body. Some shapes are like ringworm, some are only red patches. Is it ok to use diaper rash cream on it?

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Itchy skin behind knees

2 years

My daughter 4 years of age has been itching behind her knees on both legs. It gets more severe during night and sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep becau…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Severe Skin Rash with puss for a young girl

2 years

17F with blistering rashes all over the body made worse when in contact with clothings. Itchiness present and with open wounds with puss. Symptoms have been going on for more than a year. Tried using …

- kh333n
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Skin Rashes

Intense Itch on upper and lower body

2 years

Hello, Dr. I’m a seventeen-year-old girl… I’m concerned about my health; I’ve recently lost my sense of smell; I can’t smell anything; I’ve even tried to smell something strong, like perfume, bu…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Facial Skin Problem - Become Reddish and Painful with no reason

2 years

Hi I am 25y/o and female. My problem is about my face skin. My face skin is suddenly been reddish, grumbled, and when before sleep it peeling, and its so painful, with no reason. It happen on s…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Skin itchiness and redness

2 years

I having skin itchiness for few days it get worst and spread when I scratch it. It becoming like swollen but flat-dotted swollen. At both arms. Don’t know urticaria or what.

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Folliculitis at private area causing itching and red bumps

2 years

I am a female, 23 years old, now facing Folliculitis problem at my private area. After done some research from internet, I found that it maybe cause by inappropriate shaving. Now my condition ar…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Skin condition, rash and blisters

2 years

Hi. I’ve a question regarding my niece’s skin problem. She is a 7-years old. She has developed red patches of skin on her cheek, chin and around nose. The affected area of her cheek is very dry.…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Psoriasis onmy scalp

2 years

How do I control my psoriasis? I used a beprosalic lotion spray once everyday and still not okay. Do you suggest any medication or perhaps supplements for this disease. Its very uncomfortable.

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Really bad skin rash especially at night

2 years

I am a 17 years old female. I’m a little uncomfortable to talk about this but the itch has been really bad lately, especially at night time. It has been hard for me to sleep comfortably lately. …

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Skin problems/eczema

3 years

I don’t really know whether is it eczema or not but I’m experiencing very dry, flaky and red skin around my lips and sometimes it have fluid coming out from my lips. Other than that, my right ha…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Itching on my body suddenly

3 years

I experience itching on my body suddenly. Red spots appear on my chest, abdomen, legs and hands. What is the cause of this?

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Skin itching allergy

3 years

Hello, my skin starts to itch every time I sweat, shower and sleep at night. Small itchy dots will appear on my skin and I am currently taking Avotyne to help with my allergies. Is it safe to co…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Itchiness/rashes on body

3 years

I am experiencing sudden itchiness all over my body and they will soon become swollen patches and can feel its warm, i suspect it to be hives. this has never happen before, what should i do?

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Skin allergy - need medicine or any medical advice

3 years

Out of a sudden, my skin started ot have rashes on the leg and hand.

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Red itchy rash appeared on my body

3 years

I am a male and 26 years old. I notice that i have red itchy rashes on my body and I am not sure whether I am allergic to any kind of food or not ( no history of allergy). I suspect that i was i…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

My husband have jock itch that can see red rashes on his testicles

3 years

Hi doctor, my husband have jock itch on his testicles private part for one week ago, may I know which cream that can treat for this problem?

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Skin condtion problem

3 years

I have very fine, itchy bumps that are getting bigger in size across my neck, chest and face area. I think its because of the hot weather and I don’t have air cond. But I was wondering if there …

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Skin condition what could it be

3 years

I have very fine, itchy bumps that are getting bigger in size across my neck, chest and face area. I think its because of the hot weather and I don’t have air cond. But I was wondering if there …

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Allergic reaction and vaccination

3 years

I am a women age 28,sometimes I have some pinkish/red spots or bumps appear on skin, which I don’t know why, although I have eczema, but few doctors I consulted told me it’s just a type of aller…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Non-itchy red rashes, dizziness, nausea

3 years

I am 25, female. Few days ago my leg started to have red rashes. It getting worse and spreading all over the body now. I also feel tired easily, dizzy, and nauseous.

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Widespread rashes all over skin

3 years

Dear doc, i have an issue with a widespread rashes. It has been already 8 month i am having this rashes. This rashes is very itchy and it widespread all over the body. I have went to clinic befo…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Itchy skin and bruises on legs

3 years

I am a women, 32 years old. I have itchiness at leg start about one week ago and had visit 2 doctors. Im taken medicine such as cetirizine, anti allergic, vitamins c. antibiotics and also apply …

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Skin conditions which consists of blisters and itchiness, and cause the skin on my hand to turns red and inflamed

3 years

Im a 17 years old girl and i have this skin conditions for approximately a month or so. This skin condition specifically exist on my hand and around my fingers. But it wasn’t to severe until i c…

- Anonymous
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Skin Rashes

Vulva folliculitis is broken ulcerate

3 years

Vulva folliculitis is broken ulcerate how to deal with purulent flow, what medicine can be antiphlogistic

- Anonymous
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