Sore Throat

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Sore Throat

Coughing with Phlegm for long time

3 years

Hey doctor I am 24 years old I have been suffering from a cough with phlegm for more than a month and have not paid attention to the cough and since two weeks the symptoms have increased, I have bec…

- 8q.shady
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Sore Throat

Itchy throat with little pain in middle of chest

2 years

I’m experienced itchy throat for weeks whenever i’m sitting, but when sleep i don’t experience this, sometimes itchy throat will cause me to cough. On the first 2 days when it start, i can feel …

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Something in my throat

3 years

Woman. Age 48. I feel something in my throat. When I move my tough I can feel something sharp (not too sharp). Confused even to explain in details. Please advise.

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

My grandmother aged 78 having flu and mild sore throat. Been 2 days can i give chlorpheniramine tablet to her? please advice

3 years

My grandmother aged 78 having flu and mild sore throat. Been 2 days can i give chlorpheniramine tablet to her? how many mg and how many times or pls suggest other medicine. scared to bring her to clin…

- purchaseryotu
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Sore Throat

Grandmother ages 78 having flu and sore throat

3 years

My grandmother aged 78 having flu and mild sore throat. Been 2 days can i give chlorpheniramine tablet to her? how many mg and how many times or pls suggest other medicine. scared to bring her t…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Coughing more than 3 days

3 years

It’s been 5 days for my uncle coughing non-stop, for which we’ve been trying to treat him using Azithromycin but there haven’t been much improvement only fever was there but it come and goes and…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Is that flu & running nose is 1 of the symptoms

3 years

My symptoms are Flu, body ache,headache, sore throat. Is that high possibility?

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) medication?

3 years

Hello doctor, Male age 29, suspect I have LPR. Many times feel need to clear throat, most significant always after meal 5 - 10 mins need to clear throat for perhaps 30 mins or more, feeling of…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Coughing thick and long sputum

3 years

Good evening Dr , I have been experiencing this back when I was in mu secondary school but at that time it was not so frequent. However , I started to frequently having this kind of sputum when …

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

The Phlegm is brown as if it were black

3 years

My dad was recently discharged due to a bacterial infection in the lungs. he still has phlegm. since half an hour ago, the phlegm that came out was brown as if it were black. he did not complain…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Something feels stuck in my throat

3 years

Every night, i feel something stuck in the middle of my chest. It makes me feel difficult to sleep, esp when i sleep on my sides. I also feel hard to breathe sometimes. I tried to swallow or dri…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Blood in phlegm in the morning

3 years

Im 25 and for the past 2 days ive been having blood in my phlegm in the morning after brushing my tongue. Ive checked at night too if this happens but it doesnt. Sometimes at night or when im ly…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Throat Still Feels Slight Pain After Antibiotics

3 years

Hi! I have been having a sore throat that comes and goes. The first time it happened was at the start of November. I saw the doctor and had a round of antibiotics (Cefuroxime Axetil) and it went…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Having flu for long period of time and sore throat

3 years

hello doctor… im having flu for a long period… sore throat n coughing… no fever… body pain n tiredness… few day ago keep having headache… should i go to nearest clinic during this pandemic covi…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Throat not feeling well, macam ada benda stuck inside the throat

3 years

Hi doctor, i am male 24 years old. Recently, i feel my throat not feeling well. Macam ada benda stuck in my throat there, this have been for 2 days. How ever, i dont have amy fever, can breath w…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Sore throat and dry cough few days

3 years

Im a age 30+ female, since CMCO stayed home for 14 days, and im having sore throat, dry throat and Dry cough now, the cough are only happens sometimes, just worried it will be convid, cause it i…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Intermittent coughing, no sputum, bronchus uncomfortable. Temperature normal, no fever

3 years

Hi, I had intermittent coughing since last night, no sputum, just feel uncomfortable trachea(feeling bad at bronchus). My temperature below 37"c, no fever. What should I do?

- jeromeconrad
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Sore Throat

Something stuck in throat after swallowing

3 years

I have this problem where after I swallow something, I feel like part of it is still stuck in the base of my throat (near the collarbone.) After a few hours it goes away. I don’t actually have d…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Dry throat and nasal congestion

3 years

I am a 21 y/o female, and I’ve been having a dry and slightly itchy feeling in my throat recently, but it’s not continuously, it lasts for a few hours then it’s back to normal. Also, I’ve had a…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Soreness in throat and difficulty in breathing

3 years

I am a woman in my mid twenties. I am wondering whether I should consult a general physician prior to heading to an ENT specialist. My throat was sore since last Monday 28th Sept and I’ve had …

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Sorethroat and coughing

3 years

Woke up this morning having sorethroat and light cough. No fever detected

- ana.shaid
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Sore Throat

Fever (38,0 C degrees) with sore throat (just left side) and no cough

3 years

started feeling sore throat and having fever since tonight. No cough and runny nose at this moment. I feel my throat is swollen left side only

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

It feels like something is stuck in my throat and I can not get the feeling to go away

4 years

I am a 19 year old male. When I was eating yesterday it felt like something got stuck in my throat but I can still breathe. I have tried drinking water but it won’t go away. I was wondering if i…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

It feels like something is stuck in my throat but I can still breathe and I don’t know what to do

4 years

I am a 19 year old male. When I was eating it felt like something got stuck in my throat. I can still breathe but it is uncomfortable especially when I swallow. I don’t know what I should do. I …

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Constant Feeling in My Throat that has been occurring over a month that won’t go away

4 years

I am a 19 year old male. For the last month and a half I have had a constant feel like something is stuck in my throat along with occasional throat soreness and infrequent feeling that I need t…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Snot flow back to throat

4 years

Im 21 years old female。The government is going to send the university students back to their hometown recently and request us to fill in health declaration form .If I have the problem of the sno…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Post Flu (cough+runny nose+sorethroat) symptoms

4 years

Hi, I may just be overthinking on this. But just to get some info from docs. Cause about a week plus before MCO i was already having flu and in total the whole flu thing lasted about a month. Wh…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Yellow mucus with bad throat smell for more than a month

4 years

So I have been having yellow phlegm and a bad smell in my theoat( whihh Co can be smell from the nose, breath is just fine) for more than a month and I was wondering what could be the cause. Too…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Itchy troat for almost one month. Symptom itchy troat come and go , no fever so fa. Symptom usually more obvious in the evening

4 years

I m 57 year old male having symptom of itchy troat. For almost a month, having treatmenta at a private clinic, DR prescribed antibiotics n some troat inflammation medicine ten days ago until now…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Sore throat n body ache

4 years

Do I need to check out in hospital?

- Anonymous
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