
3 years

Backpain since last year

I’m 17,female.I’m having backpain since last year and suddenly I’m also having pain in back side of leg since last week.I couldn’t sit at one place for a long time.

Dr Ramzdhan,

3 years

Hello and thank you for using our service

We understand that you been having back pain and also pain on the back side of the leg. We will try to assist you with this matter.

For your information, these symptoms can be caused by a certain condition such as:

  • Abnormal body posture
  • Leg length discrepancy

It can also might be due to serious conditions such as:

  • Sciatica
  • Disc prolapse or slipped disc

You are advised to consult with our doctor via teleconsultation to assess your condition and provide you with further advice.

We hope this answers your question.

Have a nice day, thank you.

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