
3 years

Numbness in my little and ring finger in my left hand

Hi, Since more than a week I am feeling numbness in my little finger in my left hand and sometimes it also in my ring finger, so please I need your help , and fyi I am setting for long time on my desktop and I did blood test last week and I have insufficiency in vitamin D and I visited chiropractor last week also but it dosent make any improvment , and tq in advance

Hi and thank you for your question,

We truly understand your concern regarding the numbness in the left hand since more than a week. We will try to help you accordingly.

Numbness on the little and ring fingers can be caused by

  • trauma
  • inflammation of the joints
  • repetitive motion injuries

However, the symptoms that you have describe can also be a sign of a more serious condition such as

  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • ulnar compressive neuropathy

You are also encouraged to talk to our doctor online, so that we can help you further.

We hope you will be satisfied with our answer.

In the meantime our Care Consultants will be in touch with you privately to assist you and provide you with more in-depth options regarding your current numbness in the left hand.

Click here to talk to a doctor.


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