Hands and Feet

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Hands and Feet

About the Hands and Feet category

54 years

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

My big toe move by it own even though i did’nt try to move it

2 years

I am man age 26 last week my big toe suddenly move by it own.Until now when i want to sleep my toe will move about 5 second and then repeat.Can this be cause by nerve issue or just muscle spasm? …

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Skin problems on my feet

2 years

Im a 19 year old female and i have a skin condition to which im unsure of. I had it since I was 13 on the sole of my right feet. I dont think its eczema because it dont look the same to my skin …

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Numbness and tingling sensation

2 years

23 y/o lady, numbness and tingling sensation of left hand and feet for the past 2 days. otherwise, no history of trauma or fall. numbness and tingling is gradual in onset. no loa, low, headache,…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Stubbed toe still swollen

2 years

I stubbed my pinky toe pretty bad 2 weeks ago. The bruising had gone away by the end of the first week but my toe is still swollen after two weeks and I still have a bit of weird feeling in the …

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Arm Pain Months After Covid vaccination

2 years

Hi I am a woman in my early 60’s and my first vaccination date is on 20 June but till now I still feel the pain on my vaccinated area of my left arm and sometimes the pain makes me felt so uncom…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Right top foot swollen since last night

3 years

I am 30 yo female. Right top foot swollen since last night. No pain. Currently experiencing athlete’s foot on both feet, got scratch on right foot.

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Numbness in my little and ring finger in my left hand

3 years

Hi, Since more than a week I am feeling numbness in my little finger in my left hand and sometimes it also in my ring finger, so please I need your help , and fyi I am setting for long time on m…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Numbness in left hand

3 years

Hi , I am felling numbness in my little and ring fingers in my left hand since more than a week, and fyi I am setting on my desktop for long time daily and I did blood test last week and I have …

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Upper palm hurts while lifting something

3 years

I’m a woman 47yo. My upper palms of the hands are pricked on the sides near the little finger. Unable to wash pot or pan. Pain when i want to raise my hand. Pain while lifting something. Palm is…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Edema/Cellulitis- how to reduce swollen and red pain leg

3 years

My mom in 60s have an edema/cellulitis, what medicine that good to reduce the swollen leg? She doesn’t have any disease but when she have a fever, her edema came back, and her leg will swollen, …

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Numbness on the tip of both hand fingers

3 years

I am 29 years old. A woman. I am obese, diabetic type 2 and hypertension type 1. I have numbness on the tip of my fingers about 2 weeks. The pain gradually slow down but the numbness still there…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Weird sensation from left lower back to leg

3 years

Hi doctors, I have this weird sensation from my left lower back buttock to my whole leg I have weird sensation whenever I lay down (sometimes sitting too). It’s feel itching and a little weaknes…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Can’t stand and pain on thigh

3 years

I am 37 years old man. I have pain on my thigh for the past few days. When i try to stand from sitting i will feel pain on my thigh. Now, i can’t stand at all.

- nameejokerx
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Hands and Feet

Hand pain during shake my hand

3 years

My mom who was taking the ogds operation last Monday. She was required to take the injection for her arm for anesthetic injection .but then My mom’s back of her hand start to pain at the next da…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Feet swelling + Aching/Sore limbs lately? [19F]

3 years

So I’ve been noticing that my feet are swelling and numbing more after doing normal activities and that my limbs are more sore. They ache a lot and moving feels very hard sometimes. I also have …

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Wobbly Feet and Numbness

3 years

I am a 53 year old man. Of late, my feet feel a bit wobbly after I stand up from sitting or lying down. Also my soles feel numb.

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Numbness in finger tip

3 years

Hi Doc, I cut my finger tip accidentally two days ago, luckily the knife is clean, but the bleeding was a little heavy so I went to

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Finger swallowing after bitten by mosquito

3 years

My mother bern bitten by mosquito past few days. Now her finger starts tp swallow and some veins is visible. It hurts

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Swollen, pain and inflamed joint

3 years

I am a man in early 20’s and I have been experiencing swollen, pain and inflamed joint on my knees, feet, wrist and elbow for the past few years. It happens suddenly (no prior sports activities/…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Right Toe & Toe Nail Infection

3 years

Good morning Doctor Abt 3 mths ago skin ard right toe became dry probably because of contact wit soapy water. Sometimes it cracked with a wound. This healed with use of moisturizer but reoccure…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Swelling Feet, Fatigue and Lost Appetite

3 years

I am a woman in my 20s. My left feet is swelling for almost 3 days. Every morning when I woke up, my left knee and leg feel stiff. It is uncomfortable for me to walk. My feet and ankle feel like…

- Anonymous
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Hands and Feet

Swollen feet from afternoon till evening

5 years

I have swollen feet for about a month now. They start to swell in the afternoon till evening but when i wake up in the morning usually no swelling but starting from afternoon they start to swell again…

- samleong555
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