
3 years

Fever, coughing, sore throat

Hi, I was a closed contact to a person who positive on covid 19. I do PCR swab test the same day I got the news because I have symptoms like fever and cough. The next day the result out and came out negative. Since I still have fever, cough and sore throat, can i go to clinic to get medication and MC due to i can’t perform my duty as employee because I’m sick.


Thank you for your enquiry.

Based on the information above, we understand your concerns about the symptoms you are facing. For your information it is best for him to seek medical attention with a doctor as the symptoms of fever is very broad and non-specific. Further and detailed history need to be taken and physical examination needed to be done so that the cause can be find out.

You can go to any clinic for further investigation and show them your pcr result.

You are also encouraged to talk to our doctor online, so that we can help you further.

We hope you will be satisfied with our answer.

In the meantime our Care Consultants will be in touch with you privately to assist you and provide you with more in-depth options regarding your current numbness in the left hand.

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