
3 years

Hemifacial spasm dystonia

Hi, I have a hemifacial spasm. My nerves are hard & twisted.They hv. requested me to do an RFA (radio frequency ablation). They are basing on my old MRI findings done last year. It has gone worst causing a dystonia. Is it advisable to go through the RFA injection? thank you.

Hello and thank you for addressing your concern.

According to your statement, we believe a thorough clerking, investigation and examination needs to be done first in order to clearly understand what we are facing at the moment. Correspondingly, the given information by you might only touch the surface of an underlying problem.

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Foru you information hemifacial spasm (HFS) is a neuromuscular disorder associated with a paroxysmal, (involuntary) twitching of facial muscles on one side of the face innervated by the corresponding facial nerve. It is considered a subtype of peripheral (neuromuscular) movement disorder and to some extend facial paralysis especially when other symptoms started to appear, such as muscle dystonia or paralysis.

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