
3 years

Recurring high fevers gets no other symptoms other than headaches

Recurring high fevers gets no other symptoms other than headaches when they come usually last 24 he’s to 2 days then he’s fine he’s been getting these several months should I be worried

  • Hey good t know you. Thank you for the question. Before go any further I need to know few points from your side regarding him. How old is he? Did you record the highest temperature value? Was the headache severe or just a mild pain? Any weight loss or loss of appetite?

  • Does paracetamol helpful in getting the temperature down? It seems like he is having a periodic fever syndrome. Periodic fever syndrome does not confined to a single disease or problem, nor is it a specific diagnosis. But it is rather a general term and acts as a classification of a group of diseases.

  • The name “periodic fever syndrome” refers to several different auto inflammatory problems that have similar symptoms which is the primary symptom being a recurrent high temperature or fever for which has no infectious cause can be found. Again, I do not know if any investigations been done to him.

  • The patient just keeps getting high temperature and fevers, often accompanied along by a range of other varieties of symptoms. Periodic fever syndromes are primarily genetic conditions and are not dangerous to the life generally. Auto inflammatory diseases are caused by a problems in the innate immune system that can leads to the over active immune system.

  • This over activation of immune system can causes high body temperature by having a severe systemic inflammation throughout the body. The fevers are often cyclic or on and off in nature, coming and going away in some cases and in some cases more predictable. But much more is going o in the body than just a fever. It is advisable to go and tell your local doctor to have a further investigation and a proper management plan. Cheers.

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