
3 months

What are the side effects of Dengvaxia? Can I take Qdenga?

Hello doctor, can i ask what are the side effects and requirements of Dengvaxia? And if they’re bad, should I take Qdenga instead?

Dr Mohd Izzat ,

3 months

Morning, and thanks for your question!

Similar to many other vaccines, Dengvaxia has the potential for side effects, though severe ones only occur in rare cases. Common side effects include headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, and fatigue. It is possible to get an allergic reaction to Dengvaxia, which would lead to severe side effects, though this is very rare.

However, as Dengvaxia can only be used on patients who have had a previous contact with the dengue virus, it can lead to serious complications and side effects for people who have not been infected before. This makes Dengvaxia, despite its useful properties, an unsuitable vaccine for many.

Therefore, Qdenga is generally recommended as an alternative dengue vaccine, as it does not require the patient to have been previously infected.

For more information on either vaccine and its compatibility with you specifically, it can be helpful to book a consultation with a health professional before proceeding with anything. They can not only inform you more about the vaccine, but can recommend the most appropriate one depending on your specific situation.

Click Here to Book your Dengue Vaccine Today!


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