General Health

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General Health

Nose Bleed on Right Nostril Everyday

22 months

I experience nose bleed everyday. Not the runny type of nose bleed and it mostly happens to my right nostrils. Im not sure how and why it happens, may not be something major, but I would like to know …

- sn.adzmeena
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General Health

The stray cat had a parvo and scratch my hands

2 years

I am a woman in my 20’s. My family adopt a stray cat that were infected with parvo. The cat scratch my hand and it never heal. It becomes worse and it very itchy. And I still can feel the pain f…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Angin sejuk pada kulit

2 years

Hi doktor setiap kali sblum tdur atau semasa tdur bahagia kulit , sperti peha , blkng badan dan tapak kaki saya seperti msuk angin , terasa sangat sejuk walaupun saya sudah memakai selimut dan menutup…

- nur279318
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General Health

Gardasil 9 HPV Vaccination

2 years

Planning to get Gardasil 9 vaccination but I still have to complete my 3rd dose of Hepatitis B vaccination in this coming November. Will this affect?

- Anonymous
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General Health

Sering kali sedu tanpa kira waktu

2 years

hi doctor saya ingin bertanya. saya sering kali di serang sendu yang tiba tiba dalam sehari hanya 3/4 kali sendu dengan jarang masa yang lama. bila saya sendu acap kali kawan kawan kata saya mun…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Having a chest pain (left side)

2 years

It feels like something stabbing my chest. This pain happen after I got covid on March 2022. But the pain coming frequently after i having a minor accident last week. My left hand sometimes feel…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Sudden trouble breathing, cold sweats, paleness, shaking,

2 years

I am a 19 years old female. First started years ago, i will suddenly have trouble breathing, paleness, cold sweat, shaking, numbness in limbs, feeling dry in mouth, nausea, and can’t stand up. U…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Infectious Diseases and microbiology

2 years

Hi, I am a science student from Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim in Johor Bahru. I have a question regarding to my biology coursework. May I know what is meant by infectious di…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Hair Loss - Thinning, Shredding, Fall

2 years

Hi, Good day to you. I would like to enquire about hair loss in male. I am a 22 years old adult. I have a parenting background ( My mom has hairloss issue ). I currently encounting that I am sl…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Thalassemia Major, Age 25 Male asking about fish oil supplement

2 years

I am a man age 26, I want to ask can does taking fish oil supplement increase iron level in Thalassemia major Patient?

- Anonymous
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General Health

Thalassemia Major with monthly blood transfusion Age 26

2 years

I am a man age 26, I want to ask does taking fish oil supplement increase serum ferritin in Thalassemia Major patients?

- Anonymous
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General Health

Gender Transpositioning

2 years

Have you ever watched the movie Mulan? The song " make a man out of you " is very nice and upbeat and how does this affect the gender psychology of a child?

- Anonymous
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General Health

Hair Removal - Laser and Waxing

2 years

Hi, nowadays many beauty salons are offering waxing and laser hair removal. Are these methods safe? Can laser hair removal be used near private parts? Is removing pubic hair required before a d…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Blood test with result leukocyte positive ++

2 years

I have done blood test last week and all are good except for the leukocyte result with positive ++. Do I need to take any further checking and take medicine? I have dizziness and hard to breath…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Period tak teratur dan ada cyst

2 years

hello doc , saya perempuan berumur 27 tahun , period saya tak teratur lepas check klinik, doc sahkan saya ada cyst 4 cm . dah saya diberi ubat norculot dan perlu habiskan 20 hari tanpa skip … so…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Parkinson Diease & Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)

2 years

Hi, my mom is 62 years old , She had doing her brain operation (Hydrocephalus) on last year September. Recently her health problem become more worsen. We have bring her to see Neurologist and su…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Sakit perut Dan cirit birit 4 hari

2 years

Assalamu’alaikum, hai Doktor , Saya berumur 23 tahun , saya mengalami sakit perut yang menucuk nucuk selama 4 hari , mengalami cirit birit , pening kepala , loya , tiada selera untuk makan , ma…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Parut lama terasa sakit

2 years

Saya Nana, 23 tahun. Masa saya umur 14 tahun saya pernah terluka yg agak dlm di tapak tangan dan meninggalkan parut. Tapi baru2 ni parut luka tersebut terasa sakit hingga buatkan saya terasa tak…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Acne pimples that reappear at the same places

2 years

Hi doctor, I’m 22 years old this year. I’m having a huge acne that keeps on coming back. I’ve kept my skin care simple, try to be consistent in terms of product and time. Few years ago I took pl…

- Anonymous
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General Health

On and off chest pain

2 years

I’m a woman turning 30 years old this year. My lifestyle: moderate frequency of sugar in drinks and food, rarely work-out, BMI reading shows I’m overweigh. I’m a non-smoker and rarely become t…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Tentang Oximeter Ouson Care

2 years

Hello, saya ada beli oximeter jenama ouson care dari farmasi. Harga RM 95. Tapi tadi check website MDA takde oximeter jenama ni. Boleh guna ke?

- Anonymous
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General Health

Ketuat di atas mata

2 years

Maaf mengganggu. Saya ada ketuat di atas mata, bolehkah saya memakai ubat plaster lion ball di kawasan tersebut. Ketuat tersebut berada di atas mata bawah kening

- Anonymous
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General Health

Mouth ulcer/ mouth sore

2 years

I have ulcer at root of mouth since 3 Jan. It was painful and large abt 2cm. After 1 week, no more pain already and the ulcer is getting smaller. However, there is still ulcer there abt <1cm, bu…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Kesan ubat predniselone 5mg untuk 2 minggu

2 years

hai doc, saya sekarang ada ambil ubat predniselone 5mg 12 biji x1 makan pagi dan malam untuk 2 minggu pengambilan. saya dah ambil ubat ni dah seminggu. nak tanya, adakah normal kesan daripada p…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Health screening examination

2 years

Hi. I’m going to go for a health screening checkup. Can i know if the physical examination included testicles check? If not, where should i go or ask for a simple checkup on that area as well?

- Anonymous
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General Health

Dog bite wound still bleeding after 9 days

2 years

Hi, I got bitten by neighbour’s dog on foot about 25cm above ankle right around the foot muscle (pitbull just given birth ) on 14/1. wound is 1 deep puncture and scratches around. have already …

- Anonymous
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General Health

What Test for finding Thalassemia?

2 years

Hi. I’m having alpha thalassemia trait. So for my partner, what test should he take for checking whether he has thalassemia trait? Hb electrophoresis or DNA test? If my partner going to ta…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Just got an Abrasion Wound

2 years

Hi, i just got a wound from falling down few days ago, and in the process of healing, thr were some yellow stuff stick on the wound and yellow liquid spill from the wound . I have get to know it…

- Anonymous
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General Health

I have sprained my hand and ankle for few years ago and now seek for help to get them recovered

2 years

I’m 23 years old, female. I had sprained my ankle for about 5 years ago and my wrist for about 2 or 3 years ago. I have seen a Chinese medicine practitioner and they said that I sprained a ligam…

- Anonymous
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General Health

Swollen Muscle at Right Side

2 years

I am a 17 years old female student. I have a minor/mild rhintitis issue since young, i started consulting an ENT doctor at the age of 13/14. Recently i realised my voice is getting hoarse and th…

- Anonymous
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