3 years
The Usage of Propranolol 10 mg
Im 17 years old. And I guess I have a social anxiety. Everytime there’s a presentation in the class, I feel nervous to talk at the front. I mean like any presentation or talking in front of many people are like hell to me. While doing presentation, my body also feels a bit shaky. Doctor can I use a propranolol 10 mg to solve my problem? Based on my knowladge, propranolol is a beta blocker that can make our body relax after taking it after 30-60 minutes. This is all I know about propranolol based on doctor on Youtube. Doctor, I hope you can answer my question. Thank you

3 years
Hello, and thank you for contacting us
We truly understand your concern with regard to your current condition. However, our views would only reflect based on the description that you have brought forth into the forum.
Need helps with your personal dilemma? Our psychiatrist is here for you.
Anxiety and fobia are two common symptoms of psychiatrical disorder that correlates to one another. However in response to your problem, thorough history taking and (if needed) examination must be done to have a better working diagnosis - to ensure if any medication or pure therapy is currently needed. In addition, treatment for such condition are usually tailored specifically to each individual. Therefore we couldn’t guarantee such medication will be prescribed before proper consultation
For the time being, I assure you, that you are most definitely right. There is nothing dramatic about it and is sure something that is out of our control. Hence I urged you to have the courage to talk to the people you trust the most, to uplift the burden of feeling remorse or insecure for having understandable and medically legit issues. You can also try to contact a verified organization called Befrienders to help you manage these issues before getting formal help from your nearby clinic or hospitals.
Get a good rest with a restful sleep.
With that being said we encourage you to consult with the nearest clinic or hospital in your area. In addition you can also talk directly to our doctors by using this link. (DoctorOnCall) Thank you.