
3 months

Which vaccination has a longer efficacy, Qdenga or Dengvaxia?

Hello Dr, I am a 15 years old male. I am thinking of getting a dengue vaccination. But, the truth is, I am very scared of needles. So, I want to know which dengue vaccination has the longer efficacy so that I dont have to get shot a lot of time?

Dr Mohd Izzat ,

3 months

Hello and good afternoon.

Thank you for your question.

Determining which vaccine, Qdenga or Dengvaxia, lasts longer requires ongoing research. Both vaccines help prevent dengue fever, but it’s unclear how long their protection lasts. Qdenga, made by Takeda, and Dengvaxia, made by Sanofi Pasteur, have been studied, but more research is needed to understand their long-term effectiveness fully.

Factors like age and exposure to dengue virus strains may affect how long they work. Tracking vaccinated people over time helps researchers understand how effective the vaccines are in the real world.While both vaccines are valuable tools in dengue prevention efforts, it’s essential to gather more data to determine which one provides longer-lasting protection. But as of now, we can say that Qdenga is safer and a better choice to take than Dengvaxia.

I hope this helps! You can let us know or make appointments with our doctors on DoctorOnCall if you have any more questions.

Click Here to Book Dengue Vaccine (Qdenga)Today! efficacy%20vaccine

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