
3 years

My wife and I feel all the flu-symptoms

My wife and I feel all the flu-symptoms. Headache, fever, muscular-aches. My wife is much worse than me higher fever, more aching body, feeling dizzy - she got her symptoms 2 days ago and I got symptoms today.

  • Hey there and thank you for the question. Fever is defined as a body temperature more than 37 degree celcius. Fever is a sign that your body is fighting against the bacterial or viral infection. Viral fever tends to be more longer than bacterial fever. And viral fever can give you a high temperature for example 39 degree celcius. Having a high temperature sometimes can affects our daily productivity.

  • Here are the few medications to help with the fever:

  • Paracetamol can be used to lower down a temperature. Adults without liver disease or other health issues can take 1,000 mg tablets every 6 hours or as directed by a doctor. If the fever is accompanied by vomiting and you are unable to have oral medications down, do ask a pharmacist for acetaminophen suppositories, which are available without needed a prescription.

  • Ibuprofen such as Motrin or Advil can also be used to relieve a fever in people over 6 months of age. Discuss the best dose with a physician. For adults, they need 400 mg to 600 mg (2 to 3 200 mg tablets) can be used every 6 hours as fever reducers. Naproxen such as Aleve is another non steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID) that can temporarily relieve fever.

  • The adult dose is 2 tablets every 12 hours. Aspirin should not be used for high temperature in children or adolescents. Aspirin use in children and adults during a viral infections (especially chickenpox and influenza, or flu) has been associated with Reye’s syndrome. Lastly, please do report your local doctor so that a proper and further management can be planned. Good luck!

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