3 years
Chest pain after gym
I’m a guy in my 60. I have a chest pain exactly at the position of my heart for a week. It’s a constant dull pain that is not uncomfortable.
Before this I was at at a gym doing weights n resistant training. I hv been going to the gym for the past 5 years. Could I hv strained my heart? Thanks

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello and thank you for addressing your concern.
According to your statement, we believe a thorough clerking, investigation and examination needs to be done first on our behalf, in order to clearly understand what we are facing at the moment. Correspondingly, the given information by you might only touched the surface of an underlying problem.
Notably, there are many other criteria that are equally vital in diagnosing a patient, that usually includes
- clerking & history taking
- risk factor evaluation
- physical examination
- laboratory & other diagnostical findings
With that being said I hope you would take the extra initiative discuss further with your doctor or to contact our doctor using this link (DoctorOnCall) in order to maximise the help that you can get. Thank you.
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