4 years
Difficult to have a proper sleep
I am going through my final exam this month and I felt difficult to have a proper sleep. I mean, I want to sleep. I know I should have an enough sleep especially during this time. What should i do doctor?

5 years
Hey and thank you for the question. It must be uncomfortable to be in your situation with the exams coming. Insomnia is defined as the inability to fall asleep or stay awake at night, resulting unrefreshing morning the next day. Before going into the variety of insomnia treatments, figuring out what factors that making you unable to sleep is usually a good one to start with.
The questions such as:- Are you under a lot of stress? How about your mood? Do you feel emotionally flat or hopeless? Do you struggle with any feelings of worry? Have you recently have gone through a traumatic experience? Are you taking any drugs that might be affecting your sleep?
Do you have any health issues currently that may be can affect your sleep? Is your sleep environment optimum? Do you try to go to sleep and wake up around the same time every day?
Anxiety often can cause insomnia as well. Especially if you are having an examinations that is around the corner. Few tips are if you wake up during the sleep at night feeling anxious and worried about something, do make a brief note of it on a piece of paper and try to postpone worrying about it until the next day when it will be easier to deal with.
Similarly, if a great and brilliant idea is keeping you awake, make a note of it on paper and try to fall back to sleep knowing you’ll be much more productive on the next day after a good night rest. If you have tried a variety of techniques but without success, make an appointment with a sleep specialist, especially if it is taking a heavy portion on your mood and health. Provide the physician with as much as information as possible, including details from your sleep diary.