4 years
Very hard to sleep at night. any medication that can help?
Hi Doctor,
Have taken some medication (Anarex tablet) to help myself to sleep at night time as recently having some sleep. Is there better medication to ease me into sleeping mode? Probably due to recent pandemic, I may face some stress and hard to sleep at night time.

4 years
Greetings. Thank you for your questions.
First and foremost, we truly understand your concerns regarding your symptoms and other health problems you might be facing. From your complaints, you might be having insomnia. However there’s other causes that can contribute to your problem. Such as:
- Stress
- Central Sleep Apnea
- Cheyne-Stokes respiration
- Side effect of medications
Generally, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) can help you control or eliminate negative thoughts and actions that keep you awake.There are also prescription medications that can be given to you.
The following answers regarding your current queries are just general descriptions. In order for us to provide you with an accurate choice of treatment and management, first of all we need a diagnosis. To do that, we need additional details to explore further into your current complaints. Therefore, we greatly suggest that you refer this to your nearest medical doctor.
You may also click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors online. We assure you that our conversations are kept in confidentiality unless additional consultation needed with other medical parties. Thank you.