
2 years

TMAU / Severe Body Odor

Dear doctor, I am in age of 40 and I have suffer TMAU since 2006 & now even worst when I have to work under air conditioner which the odor were spread consecutively. I have tried so many treatments include Botox injection and Colon Hydrotherapy, yet it doesn’t work. So now I discovered the supplement from US called DEODOREX. I have taken them for 10 days now, however I need some advise regarding this supplement seems it directly bought from US, is it ok for me to continue to take and any side effects? Below the ingredients from this supplement: Champex® 500mg Concentrated champignon extract (Agricus bisporus fruiting body), dextrin, and DL-malic acid. Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose, hypromellose (derived from cellulose) capsule, L-leucine

Greetings, thank you for your question.

I understand your concerns, I will try to help you.

For your information, side effects for this product are uncommon, but some people may still experience them. Seek medical attention if you experience any side effects. Even though supplements can be purchased from pharmacies over-the-counter, we highly suggest that you still refer to health professionals including the pharmacist regarding the suitability of the medication for your existing health status.

You can contact our doctor online for further information and treatment.

I hope this answer helps you. Thank you.

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